What Are The Absolute Steps That Every Freelancer Must Take To Earn The Highest Income?

Define that income, and break it down into smaller pieces.
I’m continually surprised at how quickly we can accomplish our goals by simply defining and committing to them. Our target income is no exception.
When I began my freelancing journey, I decided how much income I wanted to generate. This number was based on my financial responsibility, my desire to save, taxes, and unexpected expenses along the way. I then decided how many hours I wanted to work every week across the entire year. These two numbers gave me my target hourly rate.
My current peak financial goal is to generate $131k/year. This means I need to log 128 hours in each month at $85/hour.I need to log 30 paid hours per week, which is six hours per day.
Once we break the numbers down into a daily task, it becomes quite manageable and realistic for us to make progress towards it. At the middle and end of each day, I check in on my daily billable hour tally. The mid day checkpoint helps me get refocused if I've not been. The end of the day helps me gauge where I ended up so I can adjust how I tackle the remaining days of the month and still hit my goal.
Generically wanting to make "a lot" of money or wanting to make "more" money will only slow you down. Define exactly what you want and why, and you’ll begin the process of earning the highest income.
Once we know what we want, we can explore HOW we’ll go about accomplishing this.
Photo by Pawel Janiak on Unsplash
2. Offerings In A Compelling Package
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