About The Author — Jason Scott Montoya
Now a full-time freelancer, Jason moved to Atlanta in 2005 with his wife, Cait. He attempted to make an animated feature film, launched a political news website, graduated in 2008 from the Art Institute Of Atlanta, and owned a marketing agency for seven years.
He's also one of the three originators of IDEMA, a framework for capturing and sustaining ideas, and the author of a parable titled The Island Story.
In his journey, he has personally experienced and seen others experience the life of surviving in isolation. In his times of need, others helped and inspired him when he needed it. As a result, his personal aim is to inspire others to a place of thriving and togetherness.
What does Thriving Together mean for Jason? It means living in healthy community with others. One where his relationship with God, family, work, community and country are lived out as a positive example. An example others would aspire to.
Jason is a follower of the WAY the TRUTH and The LIFE, and he lives in Atlanta with his wife and four children, Madison, David, Judah, and Elihu.