Is It Possible To Earn A Good Living As A Freelancer?

And If So, What Advice Do You Have For People Hoping To Pursue This Path?
Yes! It’s not only possible but many people actually do it!
In 2016, I logged 1,425 billable hours and generated $115k for the year. My average hourly rate was $81. For 2017, I'm on track for an increase of 10%.
If you want to join me and generating a sustainable freelancing income, the first step is getting fully committed to the reality (pros and cons) of a freelance career. Once we’re fully committed, we’re empowered to overcome any obstacle that comes our way even when we don’t have the answers in the moment.
How Do We Get Fully Committed?
By Establishing our INTENTIONS.
- Find our purpose (Why?) - Know why we are freelancing. Our motivation will help us get started.
- Cast our vision (Where?) - Imagine the freedom and affluence you’ll have when you’ve become a freelancer. Know where you’re going and what you define as success. This will help motivate us when we feel like stopping.
- Explore our mission (How?) - We’ve got our starting point in our purpose, our finish point in vision, so HOW will we get there? What is one of many paths we will take to move forward? Decide and step forward.
- Define our core values (Within?) - Most of us have made decisions or acted outside our values. We’ve done things we wish we hadn’t or wish we’d done differently. Before we go down this road of freelancing, decide what our boundaries are by defining our core values, the most important beliefs we hold.
Once we’ve established our intentions for freelancing, let’s test it out. Find a few clients or volunteer for a non-profit organization we can help. Explore what it means to live out our intentions and experience first hand the reality of it.
While we’re exploring the reality, alter systems, tools, and resources to better equip us for the challenges we’re facing. Make the best of the situation and figure out how to maximize our success.
Sustain Or Abandon
Once we’ve tested and refined, determine if this is truly the path we want to take for a longer or permanent period of time.
If it’s not the path for you, embrace the decision and explore alternative vocations. If freelancing allows you to live out your purpose through your mission towards your vision within your core values, take the step and fully commit. While I can be hard, the rewards are well worth it.
Additional Resources
For additional resources on getting fully committed, check out the Path Of The Freelancer’s Achievement Library.
Photo by Kaley Dykstra on Unsplash
1. Fully Committed To Freelance
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